I’ve been talking a lot about exercises and methods of training that you can do at home. Here is a sample of a workout you could do in your own home:
Circuit #1 (go through these exercises without resting between)
--Wall Sits w/Abdominal Contraction 30secs at low angle, mid and high
--Pushups x20
--Russian Twists x40
--1 Leg Hamstring Bridge x3 reps of 30sec holds for each leg
--Feet on Wall Pushups x15
--Pikes x20
--Hindu Squats x40
--Spiderman Pushups x20
--Flutter Kick 30secs
Rest 1min and repeat (twice through)
Circuit #2
--Either Pullups, Supine Pullups, or Bodyweight Rows (depending on what you have to work with) to muscle failure
--Bench Dips x20
--Superman x20
--Hindu Pushups x15
--Gladiator Presses x10each side
--Thinker 1min
--(Yoga Poses) Upward Dog into Downward Dog x10 hold each pose for a couple secs
--Diamond Pushups x20
--6 Inches x1min
Rest 1min and repeat (twice through)
Try this out. It should take you about 40 minutes or so, and happy training!
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